Coming back took a lot longer than the way down. First, Edelweiss Air flies a triangle: Zurich – Kilimanjaro – Sansibar. So on the way back we need to stop in Sansibar to pick up more passengers. The scheduled flight left Kilimanjaro at 20:15 and was supposed to be in Zurich at 6:30 the following day. Sadly, the machine had a one hour delay, and then a medical emergency which required to pick up a new crew in Crete. This resulted in an arrival time of 9:30 in Zurich. Couple this with getting up at 6:30 to go from the Olakira camp to Kilimanjaro, wait there 6 hours… It was a long day.

On the plus side, we had a day room in the Airport Planet Lodge close to the Kilimanjaro International Airport (~10min transfer time). Time to take a shower, drink a coffee, have lunch, and take some garden bird photos.

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